What do you want
to do when your
kids grow up?

Do you…

  • Feel you lost your identity when you had kids?

  • Feel overwhelmed and under-fulfilled?

  • Feel your skill set isn’t relevant anymore?

  • Want to return to your former career, rev up a hobby or passion you put aside for the kids or chart an entirely new path?

What if…

WHAT IF… Your mom-brain didn’t really go on hiatus but was developing a powerful skill set that will confidently take you into your next act?

WHAT IF… Everything you’ve been doing as a SAHM has been preparing you for your next phase of fabulousness? You have raised the next gen of humans. Anything is possible. 

WHAT IF… this all translates into your MORE?


Inspiring! Sharon has brought an array of amazing and inspirational women to her podcast. She is a wonderful host and brings a lot of color to the question so many moms are facing- what next? 🩷”


Tips, humor and inspo over on Instagram