Mom To MORE™ is a podcast and community for women rediscovering themselves beyond motherhood. 

Hi! I’m Sharon

A mom to 3 grown kids and a former SAHM for almost 20 years. Yup, I’ve been where you are. 

I’m also the creator and host of the Mom To MORE™ podcast, author of the Mom To MORE™ mini-book, motivational speaker and a mother of reinvention. 

Let’s be honest:  When it comes to being a SAHM, we are all in the same boat:  Totally unprepared for what just hit us and trying to navigate this new mom world, all while running a small company (our family) and being everything to everyone. 

How do we do it?  With sheer grit, dogged determination, some babysitting help, some wine and plenty of tears.

After years of raising our kids, we often find ourselves at a crossroads when the nest empties, trying to figure out our next chapter of self-discovery and reinvention. I was there, too.

That’s when I had an unexpected “AHA” moment: While doing all of the expected mom things, I realized I had developed a skill set that would take me into my “more”. 

You have those skills, too.  

This realization served as the starting point for Mom To MORE™.  I embarked on a mission to open your eyes to your untapped potential. Create a community of moms doing the same.  Perhaps you want to return to your former career, rev up a passion or hobby you put aside for your kids, or go full-on entrepreneur with something totally outside-of-the-box.  It’s all within reach. 

How do I know? I did it myself: Went back to school (online…challenging for a self-avowed 'tech-boob'), wrote content as a strategist while bringing a new furniture brand to market, returned to my passion of dance, cha-cha’ing into the world of competitive Latin Ballroom, and started a podcast.

I am living proof that moms of any age can use their passions, gifts and talents to create a purposeful “More”.

Is reinvention hard? Yes and no.  

Yes, because we put our careers on hold for a period of time.  Yes because we doubt ourselves.

No, because we’re all tough as nails and far more resourceful, creative, and talented than we realize. 

No, because as a community, we are able to do more than we ever thought possible…and that’s where I come in.  With resources like the podcast, the mini-book, Instagram posts on mom-reinvention topics and sharing speaking gigs.

Now in my 4th reinvention (I think!) as a podcaster, it was incredibly important to me to feature regular moms just like you and me, and their inspiring stories of reinvention.  I’m blown away by these women. And I know you will be, too.

You already possess the skills you need to reinvent and create your “More”. 

Let’s journey together!

About the pod:

Your past as a SAHM is a prologue to your next chapter.

The Mom To More™ podcast shines a light on the untold stories of reinvention among stay-at-home-moms and their journeys of transformation. It offers real-world examples of moms who have turned their aspirations into action.

We talk about the skills and superpowers you don't think you have...but surprise…you really do. Lots of them. They're valuable, viable, highly marketable, and will help you navigate your “more”.  Simply speaking, being a mom is the best training for the rest of your life.

There are a lot of pods out there, but Mom To MORE™ is the only podcast that highlights the unique stories of SAHM’s who have gone from dreaming…to doing.

My guests share their struggles, successes, restarts, and lessons learned. They go in-depth on their too-numerous-to-count mom skills that served as their launchpad into their 2nd, 3rd or 4th careers.  

If you are looking for real-life inspiration, tactical tools & tips and that loving kick in the pants to create your "MORE", here it is.

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